Report about the Eurodesk and European Youth Forum seminar

07 May 2017

On 2 May 2017, as part of the European Youth Week 2017 and in the framework of the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, the Eurodesk network and the European Youth Forum organised a seminar on the role of youth information in the upcoming EU Youth Strategy.


Europe offers many opportunities to young people, including grants to study, work or volunteer abroad through several community programmes. It also offers them channels to voice their ideas on the future of Europe, for instance, through the Structured Dialogue. However, only a minority of young people benefits from such opportunities. The lack of information is among the main barriers to participation, as stressed by several reports and by young people themselves during the EU Youth Conferences. How can the European Union ensure a comprehensive and coordinated approach to youth information at local, national and European level?


During the seminar, representatives from various EU institutions, NGOs and youth information services shared their views on how to shape such a youth information strategy as the backbone of the upcoming EU Youth Strategy.


Click here to read the report about the event.

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