Eurodesk Ukraine: the Eurodesk network welcomed its new member

24 April 2018

Following long discussions, meetings and the vote of the Eurodesk members in April, the National Youth Council of Ukraine has officially become the Ukrainian Eurodesk national coordinator.


On 2 February in Kiev, The National Youth Council of Ukraine was introduced as the national coordinator office for Eurodesk in Ukraine. During a press conference Yarema Oleksandr, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine; Andriy Kolobov, President of the The National Youth Council of Ukraine; Reinhard Schwalbach, President of Eurodesk, and Ville Majamaa, Board Member of The European Youth Forum spoke about what Eurodesk is and how it will function in Ukraine.


On 13 April in Gothenburg, the Eurodesk network welcomed Ukraine to the network during the biannual Eurodesk Network Meeting.


Further steps will include building up Eurodesk services in the country to provide quality youth information to young people and those who work with them. Opening a coordinating office of Eurodesk in Ukraine is a good opportunity for Ukrainian young people to gain additional resources for their development and mobility.


Ukraine is the 35th country in which Eurodesk is present. Another step forward to inform all young people about ways to experience the world!


(On the cover photo from left to right: Audrey Frith, Eurodesk Director; Reinhard Schwalbach, Eurodesk President; and Andriy Kolobov, President of the The National Youth Council of Ukraine)

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