DiscoverEU second round open from November 29th to December 11th

26 November 2018

DiscoverEU is an EU initiative which will be giving, for the second time, at least to 12,000 young people the opportunity to travel across Europe.


All EU Member state nationals who are 18 years old on 31 December 2018 (born between 1st January 2000, included, and 31st December 2000 included) are eligible to participate, provided they did not travel in the first round of applications. Unsuccessful applicants from the first round may apply again, provided that they are still eligible.Individuals and groups (of maximum 5 people) may participate, with a group leader needing to be appointed. This group leader will fill in the application form and participates in the quiz and tie-breaker question on behalf of the group members. All entrants must meet the above age requirements (still 18 on December 31st, 2018).


Application Details

  • From November 29th to December 11th (both 12 noon CET), entrants can fill in their ID or passport number on the online application form;
  • Start their journey in one of the EU Member States;
  • Plan to travel from 1 day and up to one month;
  • Plan to travel between 15 April 2019 (first departure date) and 31 October 2019 (last return date);
  • Plan to travel to at least one EU Member State;
  • Participants must be willing to become a DiscoverEU Ambassador and report back on their travel experiences, for example through social media tools like Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using #DiscoverEU. They may also contribute within their communities, through events such as presentations in local schools.


Young people with special needs are welcome to participate in DiscoverEU. They will be helped with information and tips, and costs of special assistance (accompanying person, dog for visually impaired applicants, etc.) might be covered. Those with a legal requirement to complete national military service can complete their journey at a later date, with allowances made on a case by case basis.


Successful applicants will be notified in mid-January 2019.


Join #DiscoverEU Facebook Group to learn more about the community and travellers' adventures.


As in the previous call, Eurodesk will provide assistance for young people in their application process through the European Youth Portal, while also promoting DiscoverEU via all communication channels.
Travel arrangements/technical issues will be handled by an external contractor and the European Commission.


For more info, see:
- Eurodesk Opportunity Finder
- European Youth Portal 
- European Commission Press Release Oct.17th

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