Time to Move is back: Hundreds of events all over Europe to discover opportunities

01 October 2019

The prerequisite for participation in society is access to information. Young people who are in transition to adulthood have to make decisions that will have a significant impact on their lives. Having equal access to quality and free information is a prior condition for them to make use of their rights and to participate in the social, economic and political dimensions of society. Time to Move, the flagship campaign of Eurodesk informs young people about studying, volunteering and internship opportunities abroad and helps them find the most suitable programmes for their personal and professional development. During the month of October, the campaign brings together hundreds of youth organisations around Europe with over 1000 events in around 30 countries.


Among the activities, interested young people can find some casual sessions such as lectures in schools, cultural sessions or information stands at fairs but also some not so traditional information events such as concerts, mountain-hiking, biking, board game evenings or slam poetry nights.


As a new element to the campaign, Eurodesk will introduce the Time to Move Card Game among the activities in 2019. The game is a fun and educational activity to play with young people in classrooms or at other events. It aims at introducing the cultural diversity of Europe and the many discoveries and learning opportunities it offers.


The campaign specifically targets young people from non-city environment, who do not usually have access to youth information and NEETs who would benefit from a mobility experience. Time to Move also aims to make these group of young people aware of local Eurodesk information points as guidance spots, if they feel the need to discuss their plans and how international projects can contribute to their futures.


The campaign is supported by a website - timetomove.info. Through the page young people could get comprehensive information about the over 1000 Time to Move events via an interactive map. Timetomove.info is available 16 languages, giving international visitors quick and easy access to the contents.


As an additional incentive, Eurodesk organises the Time to Move T-shirt Design Contest to find the official T-shirt for the upcoming edition of the campaign. Young people, aged 13-30 are invited to compete with their design and have the chance to win an InterRail ticket and travel around Europe on train. In 2018, the contest received over 200 entries from which Eurodesk awarded 6 young people.


Follow Eurodesk’s Instagram profile to stay up-to-date on the campaign.

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