Engage, Connect, Empower… Eurodesk & the European Commission continue their close collaboration in view of the upcoming EU elections!

12 December 2023

Last week the Eurodesk Executive Committee, President Lorena Baric, Claire Conlon, Robert Helm-Pleuger, Valentina Piras, Zsófia Bertalan, Miriam Petra, Pavlína Macounová and the Director, Audrey Frith had the opportunity to meet with the European Commission’s DG Education and Culture's (EAC) representatives. 

We had a productive conversation with the newly appointed Director-General of DG EAC, Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, Director for Youth, Education and Erasmus+, Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot, and Deputy Head of the Youth Unit, Karen Vandeweghe.

Eurodesk outlined its will to support the EU target of at least 20% of all learners benefiting from learning mobility abroad with fewer opportunities (Europe on the Move, 2023) and the Inclusion and Diversity strategy of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

  • A key element of Eurodesk’s strategy to reach out to young people with fewer opportunities is its network of 3000+ local multipliers and ambassadors. 36% of them work with young people from rural areas, and 61% with young people with fewer opportunities.
  • These two groups are the priority target group of the Time to Move campaign that reached almost 200.000 young people through its 1169 events, and 445.000 online in October 2023.
  • Eurodesk just released a Guide on Inclusive Digital Communication to build the capacity of its network…

These are some examples of how to ensure that everyone has a chance to take part in EU programmes and initiatives.

Still, much more needs to be done to reach out and inform young people about all the opportunities offered to them by the EU. Too many do not know about them or think they are not for them.

The European Commission encouraged the Eurodesk network to continue its important work to inform and engage young people, especially in the context of the upcoming European Elections.

The European Youth Week taking place from 12-19 April 2024 will be a milestone to make some noise engage young people in various activities and raise their awareness about the importance of making their voices heard!

The Eurodesk network was invited to seize this opportunity to organise activities across Europe, including its Euro-Participation classes on the EU elections as part of its campaign.

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