Eurodesk Network Meeting: Uniting for youth engagement in Tallinn

15 March 2024

The Eurodesk Network recently concluded a successful Network Meeting in Tallinn, Estonia's historic capital, spanning from 26 February to 1 March 2024. This important event brought together Eurodesk members from across Europe to embark on annual planning, strategise for upcoming campaigns, and share innovative practices.


A journey begins

The meeting opened on a high note on Tuesday, as attendees registered and were warmly welcomed by Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad of the Eurodesk Executive Committee and Reet Kost, Director of the Youth Programmes, National Agency (Harno), Estonia. Their inspiring words set a foundation for a summit rooted in collaboration and forward-thinking.


Fostering connections and celebrating achievements

The initial session, designed to facilitate introductions, laid the groundwork for mutual cooperation. Discussions turned to the Time to Move campaign, evaluating its successes in 2023 and mapping out initiatives for the coming year. Highlights from the session included:

  • Beáta Pravetz of Eurodesk Hungary presenting on “Experiential Learning Beyond the Comfort Zone.”
  • The Swedish delegates, Joana Agria Pinheiro and Emmy Mohlin, outlining peer-to-peer social media strategies to boost mobility.
  • Malgorzata Fiedot-Davies from Eurodesk Ireland introducing the impactful “#GoVOTE 2024” campaign.

Strategic insights and collaborative learning

Subsequent days were packed with in-depth updates from Eurodesk Brussels Link (EBL) and group sessions. Attendees had the unique opportunity to explore Estonian democracy and youth participation through activities in the National Parliament with Hanah Lahe, its youngest member. A critical workshop on inclusive communication outfitted members with tools for accessible digital engagement, underscoring Eurodesk's dedication to inclusivity.


Policy developments and forward planning

A session with Mathieu Orphanides from the European Commission shed light on the trajectory of European youth policies and upcoming initiatives, including the European Youth Week.


Eurodesk Elections

The Extra-Ordinary General Assembly was a focal point of the meeting, spotlighting the Eurodesk Elections. Laura Kiviselg of Eurodesk Estonia joined the Eurodesk Executive Committee, with Pavlína Macounová of Eurodesk Czechia stepping in as the new Eurodesk President. The network extends its gratitude to Lorena Baric for her commitment and leadership as the outgoing President.

The Eurodesk Executive Committee. From left to right: Zsófia Bertalan, Pavlína Macounová, Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad, Valentina Piras, Laura Kiviselg, Robert Helm-Pleuger, Claire Conlon

Laura Kiviselg and Pavlína Macounová join the Eurodesk Executive Committee. 


Cultural richness and networking

Evenings added a cultural dimension to the experience, featuring an intercultural night, explorations of Tallinn’s charm, and dinners showcasing local cuisine.


Reflecting on a milestone

The Eurodesk Network Meeting in Tallinn highlighted the spirit of cooperation and innovation, reinforcing the network's mission to empower youth through information, mobility, and active engagement.

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