Eurodesk EU Elections campaign wins the 2024 CIOST Best Campaign Award

26 July 2024

From 26 to 31 May, Eurodesk Brussels Link attended the CIOST conference in the Canary Islands, where it presented its Guide on Inclusive Communication and its 2024 EU Elections campaign. The latter received the Best Campaign Award!

CIOST is the annual staff training for Communication and Information Officers of the National Agencies of Erasmus+. It also includes representatives from the European Commission, Eurodesk, the RAY Network,  Mojo de Caña Association, and EuroPeers.

Picture by Fernando Ojeda


This edition, which took place from the 27 to 31 of May,  was organised by SALTO Participation and Information and Injuve, the Spanish National Agency for Youth,  in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The event included workshops, presentations, peer-to-peer learning, coworking and networking sessions, with a special focus on the challenges faced by the outermost regions of the European Union.

Eurodesk Brussels Link delivered a workshop on Inclusive Communication, based on the 7 key principles on the Eurodesk Guide on Inclusive Digital Communication in Youth Information Services

Picture by Fernando Ojeda


The event concluded with the CIOST Awards ceremony, where we submitted our work from the year across different categories. We won an award for Best Campaign for Democratic Participation for our campaign for the EU Elections 2024: "Don’t Let Others Choose for You. 

Picture by Fernando Ojeda


Eurodesk would like to thank our partners, SALTO Participation and Information, and Injuve, for having us. It was a truly inspiring event that definitely led to new connections and set the groundwork for innovative ideas and cooperation!

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