Happy Birthday European Youth Portal!

02 September 2024

The European Youth Portal was launched in 2004 to offer European and country-level information about opportunities and initiatives that are of interest to young people living, learning, and working in Europe.


The European Youth Portal addresses young people, but also other stakeholders working in the field of youth (youth organisations, youth workers, policymakers, etc.). Specifically, young people can not only apply directly to the DiscoverEU and the European Solidarity Corps programmes, but also check articles and resources on how to get involved and go abroad, find out more about what the EU does for young people, read the articles of the Pool of Young Journalists in Europe to discover what matters to young people in Europe today, and much more!


Some important milestones in numbers:

  • Since 2004: The Eurodesk Network has handled 100,000 enquiries on the European Youth Portal!
  • Since 2017: Over 1 million young people and 5,600 organisations have registered for the European Solidarity Corps.
  • Since 2018: Nearly 1.4 million young people have applied for the 319,000 DiscoverEU travel passes!
  • Since 2020: The European Youth Portal has been viewed more than 150 million times and had more than 24 million visits.

Did you know that young people can ask questions related to the EU youth programmes directly from the European Youth Portal? They can do this by clicking on the "Questions" button and filling in the form in any of the languages used on the Portal. These questions will be answered by the Eurodesk Network.

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