Opportunities hub

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So, I want to do something different... go abroad and stuff. This is what Eurodesk does, right?

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Have you ever thought about an international experience? It can be a volunteering project, an internship abroad or a learning exchange such as a work camp and an Erasmus study programme. Such an experience can be a turning point in your life. Young people who took part in such projects report developing new friendships, discovering new cultures and gaining employability skills and self-confidence. Of course, you will have to make sure you’re embarking on a quality programme and that you get the right support!

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Blah blah... What do you offer?

Sent by Eurodesk

Eurodesk offers great services to young people willing to go abroad such as its unique database of available opportunities to go abroad to volunteer, learn or do an internship. It also displays open European and international competitions to make your voice heard and get a chance to win prizes. This tool is free, have a look and see where it can take you!

On our Opportunity Finder you will find the following offers:

Learning: programmes, funds and scholarships to learn and study abroad
Volunteering: programmes, funds and projects to do a volunteering project abroad
Internships: paid internships and traineeships at international and EU institutions such as the World Bank, EU, Court of Justice, UN, etc.
Participating: Open calls for participating in consultations, competitions, awards, prizes and games
Grants: funding to support youth projects, youth work and youth information from the EU such as Erasmus+, Horizon 2020 or Europe for Citizens calls for proposals and from private Foundations

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Love it! But it seems so complicated! Who can I ask to help?

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If you are already set for going abroad, browse the Opportunity Finder and the additional useful resources to prepare your trip abroad:

Here is a short guide on the links:

• Map of Eurodesk contact points: get in touch with our national and local multipliers to get support with your mobility projects
Country specific database: provides you links to main sources of information about the destination country
• Check the European Youth Portal to learn about youth rights, useful tips and much more.
• Contact the National Agencies in charge of the programmes you are interested in! For example, for Erasmus and the European Solidarity Corps.
Useful links: links to databases that provide various offers to learn, volunteer or work abroad, youth and volunteering organisations, mobility tools and networks.

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Nicee! I am off to check out stuff! Thx!

Sent by Eurodesk

One last thing: Keep up-to-date by registering to our newsletter and following us on social media!

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Sure thing!


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1050, Brussels
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