Practical and travelling information

Travel in Europe
Detailed information on documents you need for travelling in Europe, what you can take with you, your passenger rights, rules for driving abroad and emergency number.


Healthcare across Europe
Detailed information on healthcare in Europe from going to a doctor/hospital abroad, or planning a medical treatment, getting prescription medicine abroad and all you need to know when dealing with expenses and reimbursements.


Studying/working/volunteering in Europe
Detailed information on studying, doing a traineeship, get a grant or job for researchers or finding a volunteering project.


European Youth Portal
Have a look at these articles about travelling in Europe!


Visit Europe
A gateway to quality sites about Europe presenting an overview on each country. If you still can’t decide which country to go to first, check out the events calendar, which may help you make up your mind!


Travelling in Europe 2017-18
Europe: a continent with thousands of years of history, a rich cultural heritage and some of the world’s most breathtaking scenery. For those planning to travel in Europe, this booklet gives useful and practical information and tips, available in all EU languages.