This time I'm voting_

Eurodesk is an official partner of the campaign This Time I’m Voting. Why? Because between 23-26 May 2019, European citizens will be invited to vote in all EU Member States. The European Parliament is the only EU institution which members are directly elected by citizens. And it matters. The EP passes laws for our protection and budgets on our behalf. It represents us abroad and acts on our petitions. The European Parliament can hugely impact the economic, social and cultural choices made on the future of Europe.
Although Eurodesk is apolitical when it comes to political parties, we are pro-European and deeply rooted to the values carried by the European Union such as the shared respect for fundamental rights and democratic principles. Don’t let others decide for you in May!


Eurodesk has designed Euroclasses to raise awareness on the importance of participating in the European Elections and on the different ways young people can contribute to shape the future of Europe. Eurodesk multipliers will also join by organising events during the European Youth Week that will be organised under the topic "Democracy and Me".


European Elections information page

This multilingual page collects all you need to know about the European Elections 2019.

European Citizen's Electorial Rights

Information about the rights of EU citizens in local or municipal and EU Parliament elections.

The world won't wait till next time.

Why vote on the European Elections? Check what important questions can you influence with your vote.

Members of the European Parliament

Browse the current Members of the Parliament and get to know who represents you.

Liaison offices in the Members States

The European Parliament has a liaison office in every Member State. Locate the one closest to you.

#EUandme - What can you do in the EU?

Living in the European Union provides endless opportunities to do what you love. Expand your horizons.

What Europe does for me?

How does Europe affect our everyday lives? How is Europe present in our cities? Find your answers on this page.

Future of Europe Debates

The European Parliament launched a series of debates on the Future of Europe. Watch the videos here.

Discuss YOUR ideas with Europe's leaders

Debating Europe is the platform where YOU can debate issues with European politicians and experts.


The Citizens’ App records the achievements of the European Union. It explains the EU's current work, defines our future goals, and describes the European Parliament’s role in them. The app helps you to find different initiatives by topic or location and updates you on their progress. It’s searchable, shareable, personalisable and available now in twenty-four languages.
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Eurodesk Brussels Link 
Place Stephanie 6
1050, Brussels
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This website has been funded with support from the European Commission. reflects the views of the author (Eurodesk) only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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