Download the Guide on Inclusive Communication

14 November 2023

The Eurodesk Guide on Inclusive Digital Communication in Youth Information Services aims to support all those working with/for young people, in designing more inclusive and accessible youth information. 

The guide covers general principles relevant to building inclusive and accessible information and communication based on best practices from organisations striving for a more inclusive world. 

It offers 7 key principles to make youth information services more inclusive. Following these principles, you will able to:

  • Create and follow your own inclusive information and communication strategy
  • Understand your audience and be aware of communication barriers
  • Focus on what you communicate
  • Make your content more accessible
  • Be inclusive with your language
  • Use different channels to reach broadly
  • Keep monitoring and adjusting to your audiences! 

The principles aim to support a reflective process. Concrete measures and examples are shared to inspire new practices and build a culture of belonging in youth information services.

Being inclusive requires changing our mindsets and continuing to learn about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Welcome to to DEI community!

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