Eurodesk Autumn Network Meeting: Stars, Elections and…Artificial Intelligence

04 October 2024

The Eurodesk Network recently concluded a successful Network Meeting in Prague, Czechia from 23-26 September, organised by Eurodesk Brussels Link and Eurodesk Czechia.


Marking its 35th anniversary in 2025, Eurodesk Brussels Link unveiled a series of impactful initiatives, innovative tools, and collaborative efforts that underline its commitment to fostering youth participation and providing quality information to young people in Europe. 


Pavlina Macounova, President of Eurodesk and Eurodesk Czechia National Coordinator highlighted the importance of creating strong international connections.

Michal Uhl, Director of the Czech National Agency for Education and Research, also stressed Eurodesk's crucial role within the National Agency. He highlighted the innovative tool Eurodesk developed - EMA (Eurodesk Mobility Advisor) - and called for sharing even more of our outcomes with National Agencies and beyond.

The focus of this Network Meeting was Artificial Intelligence (AI). Eurodesk National Coordinators had the chance to work in groups and explore the potentialities of AI tools in youth information work. 

Eurodesk Elections

The current Eurodesk Executive Committee and current Eurodesk President were re-elected for another 2-year mandate.

The Eurodesk Executive Committee. From left to right: Laura Kiviselg (EE), Zsófia Bertalan (HU), Pavlína Macounová (CZ), Robert Helm-Pleuger (DE), Claire Conlon (FR), Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad (IS),  Valentina Piras (IT).


Eurodesk Stars

The National Coordinators participated in the Eurodesk Stars competition, aiming to celebrate the best Eurodesk projects of 2024.

The winners were:

  • Best event: The Roadshow (Eurodesk Portgual)
  • Best product: A guide to mental well-being for adolescents and young adults (Eurodesk Austria)
  • Best digital outreach: Instagram giveaway: International Youth Day 2024 (Eurodesk Romania)


Some quotes from the participants:

“I think you always do a really good job finding a diverse agenda, both in terms of contents and methods. Even if it is intensive, it is really meaningful to use different kinds of workshops. Very appreciated”.

Thank you so much for organising this wonderful network meeting! It was my first time, I felt very welcomed by you and by all the colleagues and I look forward to my next meeting!

Looking ahead, the next Eurodesk Network Meeting will be held in Spring 2025 in Brussels, in collaboration with the 3 Eurodesk offices in Belgium, celebrating the Eurodesk 35th anniversary!

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Eurodesk Brussels Link 
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1050, Brussels
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