Information & support for (young) people fleeing Ukraine

04 March 2022

Ukrainian citizens and residents started to leave the country to seek safety when Russian troops increased the threat of an imminent armed attack on the country, which sadly materialised on 24 February prompting thousands of them to flee in a hurry towards neighbouring countries, notably Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Lithuania. Below you will find resources to find help if you find yourself in the situation of escaping the war in Ukraine.

UNHCR support for refugees from #Ukraine

The UN Refugee Agency is working with governments in neighbouring countries, calling on them to keep borders open to those seeking safety and protection. 

Visit the page for the country you are going to arrive or you are in:

In any other country: UNHCR - Help Service.

Here are some additional interesting resources per country. Please note that the situation is changing rapidly and new initiatives are emerging. Here you will find official sources of information as well as citizens initiatives. This page will be regularly updated. If you want to share additional resources with us, share them through the Ask a Question page.






  • Ukraine-Slovakia SOS (NGO)Facebook page and Hotline:  +421911201889 (Telegram, WhatsApp or Viber). Mail: [email protected] -Charity fund "Ukraine-Slovakia SOS", civic association "SME SPOLU" are coordinating humanitarian aids from Slovakia to Ukraine
  • ČESMAD Slovakia: Rail Company of the Slovak Republic offers free transport in all trains for Ukrainian citizens who can provide a valid passport.
  • Webpage set up by the Ministry of Transport and construction of the Slovak Republic offering free accommodation for people fleeing from Ukraine. 
  • NGOs offering support to refugees in Slovakia; Človek v ohrození and Mareena
  • Collective Who will help Ukraine (formed by above-mentioned organisations)  from Slovakia provides assistance with accommodation, to get in touch with them fill out this form



Czech Republic

This site contains all the necessary information in one place



  • In Cyprus, the government announced the opening of a bank account where money is deposited for people in Ukraine. Additionally, the government is collecting supplies for the UKraineans.  All information can be found here.  
  • The Youth Board of Cyprus is also collecting supplies.  More information to be found here


  • Estonian government website page dedicated for Ukrainian citizens and Estonian citizens living in Ukraine. Provides official information and resources.






  • Facebook group offering information about accommodation and support to refugees


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