Eurodesk Awards 2024: Winners announcement

30 May 2024

Each year, the Eurodesk Awards recognise the efforts of Eurodesk's local multipliers, who assist young individuals in exploring and taking advantage of the numerous opportunities available in Europe. In 2024, a total of 53 projects from 20 countries competed for 4 prizes.

Following the tradition, a high-level panel, comprising representatives from various organisations, selected three winners. The honourable jury members for 2024 were:

  • Laura Popa, representing the European Parliament. 
  • Mathieu Orphanides, representing the European Commission. 
  • Lina Mohorić, representing the Erasmus Student Network. 
  • Ismael Paez Civico, representing the European Youth Forum. 
  • Robert Helm Pleuger, representing the Eurodesk Network.


The winner of the ‘Youth participation and engagement’ category is Volontariato Torino, Italy with the project StraVol.To – La Gara Di Tutti. It aimed to involve as many citizens as possible, prompting them to reflect on their previous volunteering experiences, to raise awareness about the role of volunteers in the Turin area, as well as to promote the services offered by Volontariato Torino and the Eurodesk local point.

Eurodesk Pop-Up by Infozona from Croatia was named the winner of the ‘Youth inclusion and diversity’ category. During the game, young people who have fewer opportunities found out to get information about the mobility opportunities; or how to organise a (green) trip to the mobility location and back within a budget. The event was designed in cooperation with the Bookbus service from Split, Croatia.

The winner of the ‘Creative youth information award’ is Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury nr 2 w Piekarach Śląskich from Poland, in cooperation with European Outsourcing Institute Foundation, with the project EURO-BANA. The organisers rented a tram and transformed everyday public transportation into an interactive learning space. The activities carried out on board the tram provided information but also made the learning process enjoyable and memorable embracing creativity.

The Eurodesk Network named the Timis County Youth Foundation (FITT) from Romania with the project Watch Out, Reach Out! the Eurodesk Network Prize winner. The project aimed to create accessible contexts and provide educational, artistic, and cultural events tailored to the needs of disadvantaged groups in the local community, including young people. Additionally, organisers celebrated the International Youth Day through a series of workshops dedicated to raising awareness about the challenges faced by individuals at risk and those with disabilities.

In addition to the winners, there were also several honourable mentions given to commendable projects that demonstrated remarkable efforts and achievements: 

Balance Youth Opportunities With Eurodesk
Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Türkiye

Escape Room - International Opportunities For Youth
Zavod Nefiks, Slovenia

A Night In The Forest: Cook In The Nature
Pieriga Partnership, Latvia

Organic C.O.F.F.E.E. - Community Of Fervent, Engaged Enthusiasts, Active Volunteer And Animator Hub
Rysy Foundation, Poland

Young Mayors
Municipality Of Vila Nova De Poiares, Portugal

You can read more about all the projects in the Project Catalogue.

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