Eurodesk's 2023 Annual Overview is here!

15 July 2024

Eurodesk has published its 2023 Annual Overview! 

2023 has been a year marked by unyielding geopolitical tensions with ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine, growing tensions in Korea and Azerbaijan, and record-breaking temperatures contributing to uncertainty and emotional distress for many young people. 


Despite these challenges, Eurodesk has demonstrated resilience and commitment to the youth of Europe through numerous impactful initiatives.”

Audrey Frith, Eurodesk Director


This Annual Overview compiles the work done across the Eurodesk Network, from Eurodesk’s focus on disseminating youth information and promoting youth participation to the launch of its campaign for the 2024 European Elections.

The report showcases Eurodesk's commitment to promoting mobility as a way to enhance active citizenship. During October 2023, 342 multipliers across 29 countries worked on making Time to Move the dynamic and creative time for the youth information sector; a time of connecting with young people in search of opportunities and Eurodesk support services. 1169 events were organised for them to learn about ways to experience Europe, from activities organised in schools to game meetings and festivals.


“The connections that unite us are often crafted by passionate people. Like our partners of the Eurodesk network, who contribute to making mobility and exchange across borders a reality for the young generation. As we look at this overview of Eurodesk’s activities last year, I want to express my appreciation for your work and achievements.”

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth


2023 in numbers

The 38 Eurodesk National Coordinators organised: 

  • 1553 webinars, quizzes, workshops and sessions with 66.000 participants
  • 7157 public events to disseminate information with 326.000 participants
  • 1490 Euroclasses with 51.000 participants


Eurodesk National Coordinators and Eurodesk Brussels Link have answered 314.070 questions from young people, coming from the European Youth Portal. When it comes to website visits and social media followers, the Eurodesk Network had an overall of 15.1 million visitors

Since 1990, Eurodesk has persisted in its efforts to enhance the recognition of the youth information sector in Europe. The 2023 Annual Overview highlights Eurodesk’s continued dedication to providing young people with the resources and tools they need to be active members of society.


“It’s been another year filled with achievements, and what stands out to me the most is our shared commitment to empowering young people. The world of information is vast and sometimes overwhelming, yet what astonishes me every time is how each member of our Eurodesk network brings fresh, creative, and impactful ways to engage with our youth.”

Lorena Baric, former Eurodesk President


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